Affies- sorry if yours isnt here. just tell me to link you up okay?(:
Brandon Toohttp://requiemsolstice.blogspot.com/
Saturday, November 21, 2009,5:35 PM
Oh wow! MY MOTHER'S BDAY IS TODAY(: WOOOOOH! gonna have dinner at some restaurant or something like that man i miss our hotel visits and buffets? haha then we gonna watch a christmas carol(3D) HAPPY BIRTHDAY MUMMY! HAVE A BLESSED BIRTHDAY!(: xoxo, yours truly(: haha my lil brother was awarded his bronze medal for swimming today(: and after training, salleh, wei bin and me went to fair price to get something hahahaha thanks dudes~ yesterday, felicia , hanyi and me went out it was pretty fun(: haha then we all went home hahahahaha well, cant keep the food waiting(: hahahaha xoxo HUGS AND KISSES TO YOU!((:
Thursday, November 5, 2009,8:52 PM
omgosh.. last friday was my last day of school): and i was just starting to love school again.. haha gonna miss the times i had with the class.. with -FELICIA -CHERRY -SHALOTE -VICTORIA -ZACHARY -XIN ZHI -EMELIN -FADHLI -ZAFRI -ADELINE -PUTRI -and SO MANY OTHERS(; we shared blood, sweat and tears haha i totally make it sound like we are gonna graduate and we aint gonna see each other again-.- haha im really, really gonna miss the GOOD GOOD TIMES(: haha well, today i had training ran in the rain;D WENSIEW FINALLY CAME-.- the training was pretty slack and it was quite fun also haha hopefully i wont get sick? haha well, im done posting gonna play sims now WOOH!;D Labels: aww...miss you guys