Affies- sorry if yours isnt here. just tell me to link you up okay?(:
Brandon Toohttp://requiemsolstice.blogspot.com/
Monday, April 27, 2009,5:42 PM
oh wow..this might be weird but surprisingly, i wanna make friends with the person i detest most.. amazing much?? hahaXD beats me something inside me just wanted me to[ i guess ]learn to forgive her and not hate her.. must be the power of God..hahas so if you see me smiling or even talking/waving to you--->>DONT BE AMAZED.. so...FORGIVING?not a simple thing to do.. i must take 1 step at a time..i guess i have to like not love every 1 of God's creation but at least i should not hate them right? and today? nothing much happened to me except.. clarence-2e2 kicked me.. TO CLARENCE:[2e2] YOU THINK YOU SO MAN UH?!KICK A GIRL!! WHAT KIND OF MAN ARE YOU?!A SISSY ONE..I BET LOR! NEXT TIME YOU KICK ME, I MAKE SURE YOU GO HOME LIMPING! and my dearest daddy-ryan chiam-says he will help me hantum him(: YAY DADDY!((: LOVE YOUR ENEMIES AS YOU LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOURS;D Labels: love is forgiving((:
Friday, April 24, 2009,5:58 PM
1. on tuesday-->some retarded sec 1 spilled laksa on my skirt and didn apologise-.- 2.on wednesday-->spilled milo on my own skirt and mdm sharul didn wanna excuse me from duty-.- 3.on thursday-->didn even get a good position to pay off all my team's hard efforts.. 4.on friday[today]-->sick!):temperature-38.1[last check]and slept for 5 hours straight..then not even hungry for once...): You know what i realised? that all my "brothers"dont really care about me... they only care about their girls or the people they like.. they dont even bother about me then must well not even have me as a sister... EVEN IF YOU GUYS WERE LIKE TRYING TO CARE, I DIDN EVEN FEEL IT.. thanks alot.. Labels: SICK SAD TIRED
5:46 PM
didnt even get top 3 positions for the finals... BUT Mr Ang like kind of cheered me up..he said that we get into semi-finals is already quite good cos its like siglap sec 7th position in whole of Singapore for relay... hahas..thanks mr ang;D
Wednesday, April 22, 2009,7:17 PM
oh my gosh... i kissed Xin Zhi on the cheeks 3 times today.. then i kissed phyllis on the cheek..lightly..[dont be jealous clifton] and then phyllis kissed my hand..[YUCK!] [SHIVER]that would be the last time i ever kiss anybody..YUCK! unless its a dare or something.. and i made a promise to irwin.. i shall not slap him tomorrow(: signed, BenitaLoh(: HE SHALL PROMISE TOO(: AND 1 MORE THING.. I AM NOT LESBIANjust cos' i kissed my good friends doesn mean im lesbian...retarded if you guys think that way.. HAPPY EARTH DAY^^ Labels: save the earth dudes
6:31 PM
oh my gosh! i finally created a cbox...and i took so long..sorry people! actually i was planning on doing it after the exam but nevermind.. hahahaXD yay!(: oh my gosh..today spilled milo on my skirt.. ONE WHOLE BIG PATCH SIA! felt reatarded and mdm sharul dont wanna excuse me from duty then have to do with that wet and sticky skirt...[shiver] YUCK!then during the chinese test, as i read the passage, i wiped my legs from all the milo..then felt so sticky...eww... hopefully wont happen again bah... TOMORROW MY FINALS! YES!FINALLY! HOPEFULLY WILL AT LEAST GET INTO THE TOP 3 PLACES(; and seriously, popo should find her own friends..she is one that is[surprisingly]not scared of me..wow! AND EXAMS ARE COMING!): but only for a week la..so not so bad then its OVER!(; so just bear with it people cos' you only have 1 chance to do this exam..the rest of the things you wanna do..DO IT AFTER THE EXAMS(: so dont waste time and faster go study y'all!;D hahahaXD STAY HAPPY EVERYONE(: Labels: love makes the world go round
Tuesday, April 21, 2009,6:01 PM
hey yo!(: hahasXD maybe i am not so lonely after all... MY FRIEND KNOWS WHY I AM ANGRY WITH HER!(: YAY YAY!!! waa..today..that mrs goh go want make me stay back cos' i never do her work but.. its cos i never go her class last thursday cos i was at a competition(: hahahaha..this thurs missing again!=P DEAL WITH IT MRS GOH!! oh..but the thing worst thing that happened to me was that one stupid 1n2 girl[don bother to know her name cos later scared brain damage] go spill laksa on my skirt..=.= and it was like she got no mouth sia..i talking to my friend then she just banged into me then my skirt kenna...good thing not fadhli's jacket.. the thing was that she never apologise..RETARDED ASSHOLE! and she was totally acting cool abt it..i look at the jacket then she just say:"your skirt" then roll her eyes then walk away.. i nearly scold her back:"dont know how to say sorry uh, BITCH?!" but shut my mouth if not she later roll her eyes again..then her eys drop(: SHIT HER SIA!if she say sorry i wouldn mind but she didn..WHAT IS THIS MAN?! yeah..or maybe she thought that this morning i dont like her cos i think she thought i glared at her..oh nvm...i shall let the past be forgotten and look into the future(; HAHAS...then..my friend like sort of apologise but not completely...hahasXD i am so retarded sometimes=.=" then irwin lee zheng rong SLAPPED me today.. stupid idiot..watch out man(: hahasXD going study at superdog soon(: and watch my favourite korean drama..hahaXD STAY HAPPY EVERYONE^^ Labels: nani-nani-poo-poo, you cannot catch me
Sunday, April 19, 2009,3:26 PM
 loneliness really suck to the core... yeah..maybe this is how i am feeling right now everything i do that i think will help others people will always blame it on me... oh nevermind..used to it.. no point being upset? as if i will be better... hopefully, God will help me solve this mess and HE will help cos' HE answers our prayers(: Labels: stay happy people(:
Saturday, April 18, 2009,5:35 PM
 i feel so alone in my life.. this forest is just like my life..when is the sun going to come up and shine on my life.. my friendship with SOME people are fading.. EMELIN feels down.. yueting and priscilla is like allowing pamela to follow them during recess.. emelin dont wanna trail behind any of us anymore..she just wants friends that will stay by her side forever... priscilla and yueting dont really care about emelin and my feelings anymore.. i mean like whats up with that? and seriously speaking, pamela, you are annoying me by sticking with us and you are really about to get it from me and on wednesday, you told MY friends to go back with you? obviously, they will listen to you..and seriously, i am pissed off with you and with them.. HOW COULD HAVE YOU ORDER THEM AROUND?!HOW COULD YOU EVEN FOLLOW THEM JUST BECAUSE YOU GUYS ARE IN THE SAME CLASS AND SERIOUSLY, YOU KNOW I DONT LIKE YOU AT ALL..SHOULDNT YOU FIND YOUR OWN GROUP OF FRIENDS?so very politely, i wanna ask you to leave us all alone before i seriously say it in your face..you wanna have them during class time, me and emelin cant stop you but when its either during mother tongue or recess, thats our only time with each other.. SO PLEASE JUST LEAVE US ALONE...CHEER UP EMELIN AND ZACHARY DESKER(:
Friday, April 17, 2009,6:36 PM
OH MY GOSH! i totally love my relay team..WE ROCK TO THE MAX(:\m/ we got to the finals leh! NOT BAD SEH..[for siglap standard cos' everything in that school really suck] YAY!YAY!YAY!YAY!YAY!YAY!;D hope can get medal on next thurs-23rdAPRIL'09 I AM LIKE SO HIGH[oh wait..i am high everyday-.-] talking to myself..retarded... hahas ONE MORE THING: HAPPY BIRTHDAY JOLIE LOO!(: YOU ARE A FANTASTIC FRIEND AND I HOPE ALL YOUR WISHES COME TRUE!;D LOVE YOU LOADS! YOU ROCK MY WORLD AND MY WORLD WOULD SUCK WITHOUT YOU!;D\m/ STAY HAPPY EVERYONE(:
Thursday, April 16, 2009,7:22 PM
HAHA!MY RELAY TEAM ROCK LA!! hahahahahahaha...we got 2nd in our heat and we QUALIFIED for the semi-finals!!(: YAY US!! hahas..but before that, VP scold weibin, salleh, qash, and suhaidah...stupid principal.. i also get scolding from the general office person for jumping on the table...sorry lor i step on YOUR CHEAP furniture..haha..but my fault la.. saw like my 2 cousins and like saw all my primary school friends... like..PRINCE LELEON LAU, MARCUS SEAH? and i think teo yan...forgot alr=x need to go do things now and 1 more thing... POPO!GO FIND YOUR OWN FRIENDS!!!); STAY HAPPY EVERYBODY(:
Wednesday, April 15, 2009,7:32 PM
guess what happened? something retarded happened to me today...all thanks to someone named... oh nvm..lets just call her popo..[COS if not she get her 'friends' which i doubt she has...] yeah then she always go and steal friends away from me.. not my fault that she so annoying lor and thats why ppl don like her so run away from her and then she no friends.. then what she do? COME FIND MY FRIENDS..cos my friends too soft-hearted.. so they let her follow them.....UTTERLY RETARDED!!! i seriously cant stand her then the worst part is.. i think i told my friends to wait for me then i PURPOSELY waited for them for an hour... then they go home with THAT THING!!!!! WHAT THE HELL?!?! seriously speaking?GO GET YOUR OWN LIFE AND FRIENDS AND STOP TRYING TO TAKE MY LIFE AND FRIENDS AWAY FROM ME! but if my friends dont know why i am angry with you, go find out cos i am SO NOT talking to you guys... TO THOSE WHO ARE UNHAPPY--STAY HAPPY, FORGET THE PAST AND LOOK FORWARD TO THE FUTURE=) love you guys loads(:
Tuesday, April 14, 2009,9:12 AM
sorry if i never update...super duper busy.. im a busy bee..yesterday on msn, amirul bully me..im hurt im not his best friend..): pooot pooot[putri] stop pretending not to care, you cute lil pooty! FACE IT=) hahas...XD amirul..although you always so mean to me; i shall forgive you..HAHAHAHAHA i am so bored cos im was in school when i wrote that...mdm wu lin still talking...lol TATA=)
Thursday, April 9, 2009,8:11 PM
OH MY GOSH! today is like the most boring day of the week..but at least i get to skip school cos i involved in YOG and school also only until 10am..[retarded] then missed maths la! but in the morning super fun... first i go take irwin's pink bag then forgot to take back MY crumpler from him...then he asked for his bag back..XD then straight after flag rising[which i didnt really attend]go to Republic Polytechnic for YOG then slack and slack till like dont know what like that..then after our morning and afternoon performance..i dont know how to go home=.= so ms lie had to ask ANIQ[4N...] and another guy[4N..-cant remember who]to like let me follow them to the mrt.. waa!go with them like super funny sia..aniq keep singing loudly in the train then like so embarrassing sia..then good thing he never wear school uniform if not DIE liao=.= yeah..then his ipod the volume super duper loud seh..everyone all stare at him.. hahasXD I MISS POOT POOT AND HAZIQ AND AMIRUL AND FELICIA;D
Monday, April 6, 2009,6:52 PM
i really think i have been sad for this whole 2 freaking weeks for too long... well..although they are about different things[mostly personal stuff..SHH!-to those who know] yeah..but..good thing i have a very good friend named.. VICTORIA ANNE BOK SHI MIN;D[YOU ROCK MY WORLD] yeah..she was a very good friend and she comforted me and i felt so much better after that.. i am proud to be her friend..and those who are her friends, be proud that you are related to her in some way..hahaXD i don think baba is going to forgive me..i kinda deserve it la..so sorry baba!!);
Sunday, April 5, 2009,7:07 PM
saying straight things aint good...
maybe i learnt my mistake..thats to not say straight things to sensitive people[especially someone..lets just call him baba] so baba and my friend[bebe] and me were talking in a convo..so i think i said things that made him pissed off bah..sorry baba!>< yeah..and he is sick and he no mood thats why he went offline after that.. actually, he should know that i am this ype of person..so sorry baba and bebe): sometimes i really behave like a jerk i guess..sorry
7:04 PM
im so sad....tomorrow have school..sian then today got church and tuition(: quite fun but seriously..i was so freaking tired! then when i walking out of KFC, a bicycle ramped into my leg..SO PAINFUL!!); but i think i was totally at fault and he was too..-.-..i was not looking infront and he didn ring the stupid bell..i mean..ISNT THAT WHAT BELLS ARE FOR?! then now like super duper pain...): I DON WANNA GO SCHOOL!!![for once leh..haha] im too tired
Saturday, April 4, 2009,4:10 PM
Im so so so so so BORED and ANNOYED
someone help me lah.... im so bored and i am annoyed with my mum nagging and scolding me all day without a valid reason... maybe she is just bias...i think my whole family treats me like a maid or dog or something..its retarded and ANNOYING if your family treats you that way.. SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME LAH!):
12:44 PM
THIS IS OFFICIAL! I announce that this week is seriously and officially the worst week of my life.. 1.everyday come home only get scolding..2.do something only also get scolding...3.I say something also get scolding..4.at night, when i sleep, she also scold...5.I keep quiet also get scolding...6.I go and sleep also get scolding...7.I use the computer also get scolding...8.My bill bomb..then she confiscate-i understand but i need use my phone as alarm also cannot...9.she is debating whether she wants me to pay for my bill or not...10.before my phone got confiscated, i use my phone also get scolding...WHAT YOU WANT ME TO DO?!?!
someone, please help me..
Friday, April 3, 2009,10:18 PM
*sigh* this week is probably the worst week of my life... wednesday to today scolded by my mum every time i come home from school[thats why i rather stay in school] then this friend of mine[lets just call him bobo]is like maybe angry with me..or not..cause he is a bit distant from me now...maybe he is angry with me...without bobo i actually feel pathetic): and my mum?like i said..she is really mean to me these days..i mean like got 4 childre..of all people must choose me to pick on me..im sure i must be a whale of a time to be picked on-.-and now my phone confiscated..byebye phone): so its either bobo or mummy..wow..both important people to me and i have probs with them.. HOW LEH?!
Thursday, April 2, 2009,9:00 PM
HAPPY BELATED APRIL'S FOOL-a day to not remember for me...
today was probably the WORST day of my life.. i tricked all my best friends that i was migrating to Australia..it was actually only meant for Xin Zhi but i guess it was spreaded around.. they even wanted to send me off and miss choir today just to give me a farewell party..and obviously i had a guilty conscience...2 PEOPLE CRIED FOR ME LEH!!!![they wasted their precious tears on a jerk like me]and honestly..i was very touched((: thanks guys for all the things you do for me..actually, this was the first prank i ever played on anyone and it was too over the limit and i really hate myself for that..SORRY GIRLFRIENDS((: Amirul was really nice too..he has a 50-50% chance of migrating to malaysia..and he said that if i migrate, he will too..thanks amirul((: In the end, i apologised to ALL of them and surprisingly, after all i did to them, they were really forgiving..THANKS GREAT FRIENDS OF MINE((: but..................actually, i still felt so bad...SORRY!! TO ALL MY FRIENDS:AFTER THIS INCIDENT, I KNOW WHO ARE MY TRUE FRIENDS AND I LEARNT A LESSON FROM THAT DAY'S INCIDENT...TRUE FRIENDS ARE ALWAYS BY YOUR SIDE--YOU JUST DONT KNOW IT UNTIL YOU LOSE THEM...AND I WILL NEVER EVER LEAVE YOU GUYS CAUSE YOU GUYS ARE THE SPICE OF LIFE FOR ME!!!;Dthen..when i got home, my mum started yelling and nagging at me when i havent even do anything-.- then i turn on the com to receive something then she also scold then my father started scolding also..WHAT IS THEIR FREAKING PROB MAN?! take homework also cannot then i so angry i throw my ipod and handphone on my table then just sit at my table and just did something unexpected-.-[i cant believe i did that too] then i was like doing that for like 2 hours and till i slept.. [for those who know what i did...SHH!]then i was like super quiet in the morning and i was like emo for the whole morning... SORRY FOR NOT BEING HYPER): i will try my best tomorrow...(: