Affies- sorry if yours isnt here. just tell me to link you up okay?(:
Brandon Toohttp://requiemsolstice.blogspot.com/
Saturday, March 28, 2009,4:18 PM
my very good guy friend-amirul shah((:
 this is my best friend-amirul(:
2:35 PM
HAPPY BIRTHDAY CALEB!(; HAHAXD hope you like the lil party the whole family made for you, you spoiled brat! hahasXD..but sad for you cos your birthday is on earth day!(x so save the earth.....hahahaha love you loads lil bro! God Bless you((:
Friday, March 27, 2009,7:26 PM
the 2nd post a few minutes later...
this is how bored i really am=.= talking to putri is like so damn freaking fun((x sian...i changed place yesterday then not sitting with felicia and putri anymore... now sitting with zachary..hahasXD and paolo=.= hahasXD zachary is so freaking weird...always talk to me about guys... ARE YOU SERIOUSLY GAY?! oh nevermind...not surprising anyway..hahas I MISS PUTRI AND FELICIA AND THE PEOPLE THAT USED TO SIT IN FRONT AND BEHIND OF US!!!!!! BORED TO DEATH HERE....
7:16 PM
yuteing's birthday(:
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA(: yueting!you like your present anot?! aorry i cannot find xmaller box...make your presents inside look pathetic...so sorry amirul and me share the pencil case with your new colourpens inside... YOU BETTER USE MAN! cos' its from amirul and me((: hahasXD for those who are really slow, my firneds and i have gotten back since tuesday-24/3/09(: it was the happiest day of my life((: today had to stay back to decorate class but i left at 2.30....sorry pangseh your..had to go tuition! amirul went in to help(: and serene keep wanting to take pictures with him...poor amirul=x hahaXD i caught a snapshot of him laughing nicely..shh! i used serene's handphone so she can admire him all day...HAHAXD then they asked me to take picture with him=.= felt kind of retarded la..but in the end okay okay((X hahaXD I AM ALWAYS HIGH;D
Tuesday, March 24, 2009,7:35 PM
 HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA----haziq and amirul owes me something(: irwin's pink bag is really pink man! its like so gay on him=.= hahahahaha..............havent got back with friends yet): but alot of people would help if i need their help yueting's birthday coming.....WHAT TO BUY LEH?! today had piano lesson(: it was okay i guess.....but so freaking long): but i felt higher when i started talking to putri and haziq online(: LOVE YOU BOTH LOADS PEOPLE(: VERY HIGH(:
Sunday, March 22, 2009,4:56 PM
YAY(: my laughter is back but my best friends aren't..... really broken up by it..i mean like we have been best friends for dont know how long and they dont know how to be frank with me?! they say i've changed....maybe i have and maybe i haven't...i am also not very very sure about that.... i really don't know how to solve this problem of mine... HOW AM I SUPPOSE TO SOLVE IT IF I DON'T KNOW THE FREAKING CAUSE OF THE PROBLEM?!
Saturday, March 21, 2009,6:50 PM
*sigh* i can't find anything to laugh about now... cos' i just found out that my best friend[might be ex-best friend soon D:]was really angry with me.. i mean like i think i know the reason why but she wont tell me what i said that made her angry she says that she and another girl don noe how to tell me that i have 'changed'... its super annoying and its like they are going to waste paper and give me a letter on the reason on why they are angry with me...big yay=.=" like seriously...i don noe what i did wrong... SOMEONE PLEASE HELP?!?! benitaloh
2:01 PM
*sigh* this is like the most boring holiday in my whole entire freaking life! its like eww.......................... HAHAHAHAHA=D but so much homework also cannot go out lor...retarded-.- must well not have holiday... i'm shock that i rather go school..hahaha but seriously..its like so boring..at least last year got go overseas and go out(: lalalalalalalalalalalalalalallalalalalallalalalalallalalalalla now going meet friend at e-hub to return her money(: YAY(: IM FREE!!!!!!
Friday, March 20, 2009,10:17 PM
WAA(: these few days so high(: it feels great to not have a crush cos' you whatever you do to make him/her notice you, he/she wouldn't and they might not like you it feels great to be happy(: to me, emo is really retarded and lame((: HYPER HYPER HYPER((:
9:51 PM
so my little secret..wow these few days i so high that i forgot about you actually you and her would be great together(: you guys are so compatible... sometimes i would imagine what would happen if i never knew you maybe the same things would still happen........... but hey..at least nobody wouldn't get hurt right? i think you are a very nice person and anyone who is yours is really fortunate... WHY AREN'T THERE ANY OTHER GOOD GUYS IN THIS WHOLE FREAKING WORLD?! but when you are young, try and stay young and get into a relationship so fast cos' when you are attached, you have to be answerable to that person if you got out with other people and not him/her... AT LEAST I'M NOT ATTACHED AND I HAVE YOU TO THANK(: